Course curriculum

  • 3

    Module 2: Building a clear, compelling vision

    • Why does the vision matter?

    • Bringing the vision into focus

    • Reflections on Module 2

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    Module 3: Assessing our current state

    • What's your state of affairs?

    • Assessing your current reality: DDD & SWOT

    • Reflections on Module 3

    • Prepare an elevator speech

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    Module 4: Getting tactical

    • Strategy eats breakfast, too

    • Two-pronged action-planning: The whitewater rafting version

    • Reflections on Module 4

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    Module 5: Generating curiosity and commitment

    • How do we get everybody on board?

    • Generating commitment is difficult...and possible...and worth it

    • Reflections on Module 5

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    Module 6: Reflective practice as a bedrock of culture

    • The more reflective we are, the more effective we are

    • Unpack the Continuum of Self-Reflection

    • Reflections on Module 6

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    Module 7: Feedback that builds capacity

    • The art of feedback

    • Engage in some rich feedback dialogue

    • Reflections on Module 7

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    Module 8: Coaching for transformational growth

    • Everyone can benefit from coaching

    • Try out a coaching cycle

    • Reflections on Module 8

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    Putting all this into action

    • Great ideas are just great ideas...

    • Where are you now?

    • Before you go, a little feedback please...